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Safety and appearance requirements of dowty retarder

998 Date: 2020-11-28 Tag: dowty retarder

What are the safety and appearance requirements of the dowty retarder, let me introduce you to everyone.

Under normal conditions of use, the work done by the dowty retarder on the vehicle should not cause the vehicle to derail.

The external dimensions of the dowty retarder installed on the line shall not invade the lower limit of the rolling stock specified in CB 146.1.

The installation quantity of the dowty retarder should have a safety margin, and the safety margin should meet the relevant regulations in TB10062.

The shell should be painted uniformly, and the general color of railway equipment should be used instead of red.

The coating on the surface of the sliding cylinder assembly should not be spotted or peeled off.

Safety and appearance requirements of dowty retarder

Safety and appearance requirements of dowty retarder