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material supply mining car product description

1004 Date: 2022-02-10 Tag: Mine Cars ship
material supply mining car is also called transport truck, suitable for underground mining mines, along the underground roadway and the surface of the industrial site transport support materials and other materials. Material car is a vehicle used to transport timber, support or other materials on the ground of coal mine and narrow gauge railway in underground roadway.
One or both sides of the material car box can be opened, with the help of the unloading curve rail installed on the unloading point, so that the car tilt, pull rod to open the side door unloading.
One or both sides of the side unloading car box can be opened, with the help of the unloading curve rail installed on the unloading point to tilt the car, pull rod to open the side door unloading. The bottom plate of shuttle car is a scraper conveyor. When loading, fill the front end of the harvester, the conveyor gradually moves the loaded material to the back end, continuously fill the harvester, and unload by the conveyor. This kind of mining car box volume is large, because of the shuttle like frequent and named. The bottom plate of the mine car is unloaded backwards or sideways with the help of gravity.

China developed bucket transfer trains in the 1970s, consisting of a bucket car, a lifting platform and a mine car. After the hopper is filled with material, it is jacked up along the side of the mining car by the lifting platform and transferred to each mining car one by one, which improves the handling speed and achieves the continuous loading of the mining car. The bucket loading train has simple structure and small turning radius, so it can be modified by the original standard mine car. The inner rim of the wheel of the mine car has a certain gap between the rim and the rail. The tread of the wheel in contact with the rail is tapered to keep the wheelset in alignment as it moves along the track, reducing mechanical wear and reducing running resistance. Medium narrow gauge railway gauge has 600 mm, 762 mm and 900 mm 3.

material supply mining car product description