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Jining New Generation Information Technology Industry Special Class Visited China Coal Group For Investigation

491 Date: 2023-01-11 Tag: China Coal News Visit And Research

On January 11, a research group consisting of Li Zhongshun, the deputy director of the new generation of information technology industry in Jining City, and members Zhang Yongliang, Tian Hao, and Ge Yongyao, accompanied by Li Ke, the Investment Promotion Bureau of the High-tech Zone, visited China Coal Group for a survey of the new generation of information technology industry. Li Zhenbo, the general manager of China Coal Group Information Technology and China Transportation Group, and Shao Hua, the executive deputy general manager of the Group and the general manager of the manufacturing company, Guan Chenghui, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Group, and other leaders received warmly.

The research team focused on the exhibition hall of intelligent manufacturing achievements, intelligent equipment exhibition hall, digital exhibition hall, construction machinery digital production workshop, information promotion center, software technology research and development center, big data center, etc. of China Coal Group. During the visit, Li Zhenbo, General Manager of Information Technology of China Coal Group and General Manager of China Transportation Group, introduced in detail the operation and development of Yikuangyun industrial Internet big data platform, big data, 5G application and artificial intelligence independently developed by our group, which was highly recognized by the leaders of the research group.

Later, the research team visited the excavator intelligent production workshop of our group, and learned about the excavator product characteristics, production process and other conditions in detail. Director Li said that as a large scientific and manufacturing group with cross industry and diversified development, China Coal Group should actively play the role of model and lead, firm development determination, tap existing resources, effectively use preferential policies, and through digital empowerment Scientific and technological innovation and other means to carry out technological transformation, strengthen the scientific management of enterprises, and strive for high-quality development!

President Li said that he was very grateful for the strong support of the Jining Manufacturing City Construction Headquarters and the leaders at all levels of the new generation of information technology industry special class of Jining City for the development of China Coal Group. Today, the leaders of the research team visited our group for guidance, and more importantly, they paid attention to and encouraged the development of China Coal Group. Our group will unswervingly promote the development model of integration of openness and innovation, innovation and industry, and fully rely on the support and guidance role of "helping enterprises climb" activities, Keep an eye on the goal of climbing, seize the opportunity, speed up development, walk out a highly representative road of high-quality development, and contribute to the new generation of information technology industry in Jining!

Jining New Generation Information Technology Industry Special Class Visited China Coal Group For Investigation