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Introduction of one way locking dowty retarder

769 Date: 2020-06-02 Tag: dowty retarder

When the locomotive or vehicle reversely passes through the dowty retarder, the sliding cylinder will be locked in the low position after being pressed down by the wheel flange, and will not brake the vehicle.

Therefore, reverse traction can not limit speed. : the sliding cylinder is equipped with a return valve which can adjust the return speed of the dowty retarder. : for different grades of dowty retarder, there are different forward return speeds. Among them, the forward return speed of 0 -. I gear dowty retarder is slow. The retarder can not only brake the rolling vehicles passing through it at a slower speed, but also play a less or basically no brake role for the high-speed vehicles pulled out in the forward direction, and the forward return speed is fast. That is to say, when the vehicles pass through the dowty retarder at a forward high speed, the dowty retarder will do full work for each round.

Introduction of one way locking dowty retarder

Introduction of one way locking dowty retarder