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Working principle of TWD901C dowty retarder

878 Date: 2020-05-18 Tag: dowty retarder

Dowty retarder is an independent closed hydraulic unit, which can automatically control the rolling speed of the vehicle without any external energy. The different speed of rolling makes the sliding cylinder body of dowty retarder produce different sliding speed.

It is the sliding speed of the sliding cylinder body that determines whether the dowty retarder has the function of braking work or resistance work. When the rolling speed of the vehicle reaches a certain value, the dowty retarder is in the boundary state of braking work and resistance work on the vehicle; but when the rolling speed of the vehicle is higher than this value, the dowty retarder has a braking and deceleration effect on the vehicle; when the rolling speed of the vehicle is lower than this value, the dowty retarder has no deceleration effect on the vehicle. The speed value is the nominal value of the critical speed of the dowty retarder (also known as the gear value). The critical speed of the dowty retarder is set structurally before the product leaves the factory. The critical speed v1g value of the 901c dowty retarder is 4.00

Working principle of TWD901C dowty retarder

Working principle of TWD901C dowty retarder