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Problems in the use of dowty retarder

1062 Date: 2020-11-05 Tag: dowty retarder

The application of dowty retarder in marshalling station should also adapt to the characteristics of dowty retarder and meet its technical requirements. We can see from some marshalling stations that although the station operation rules have been formulated, they are difficult to implement and fully implement. There are objective factors and subjective reasons. Examples are given to illustrate them.

The station clearly stipulates that in the dowty retarder installation section, one side of the rail has a dowty retarder, and the other side of the rail can not get off the iron shoes. However, due to the improper control of three parts, the relevant personnel in the shunting area saw that the train was going to exceed the speed limit, so they took up the iron shoes and put them on the rails, As a result, some dowty retarder were damaged by the wheels on the other side, which almost didn't cause the vehicle to get off the line. The allowable speed of the dowty retarder passing through the marshalling station was 25km / h. However, when the locomotive was on the whole yard or taking off the train, the speed was very fast. When passing through three dowty retarder, the speed could reach more than 30km / h, When a train changes from the rear to the end of the marshalling line, the speed can reach 40 km / h. When there is a guard, the guard will jump on the retarder, which will not only affect the service life of the dowty retarder, but also easily cause the departure of the guard or light car, It is mainly caused by this reason. Therefore, there are some problems in the use of dowty retarder in the station.

Problems in the use of dowty retarder

Problems in the use of dowty retarder